Video Editing For Lawyers

New for 2021 – Video Editing for Law Firms and Barristers
Watch this 2 minute and 17 second video from a former solicitor to discover more about how we can help you with videos for your law firm or barristers’ chambers.
You film it… we edit it…
With the demand for creating video content increasing, we can help you produce professional looking videos which you film on your phone or iPad.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Each video is typically up to 3 minutes long – if the video is too short you might not get your message across, and if it’s too long, viewers won’t bother watching.
- I speak your language – I’m a qualified solicitor who trained and practised at a Top 20 law firm in London – so I can suggest legal topics you might wish to film that would be beneficial to your practice area.
- There’s no need for you to buy expensive cameras, lighting and audio equipment costing thousands of pounds – that’s where our guidance and our investment in high end editing equipment comes in!
- Safe and secure – you film yourself from your home or office in your own time – so no camera crews involved.
- We recommend creating one video per month per department to get maximum value and client engagement.
- We can incorporate your existing marketing photographs and graphics for you – just get in touch and we’ll discuss what we need.
- Thinking about who owns the intellectual property in the videos? You will own the finished videos and so you can publish them online wherever you like – from your website, newsletter emails to social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Here at Navy Studios, we would be able to display the videos as part of our portfolio.
- If you’d like new imagery to support what is being said on screen, such as photographs or videos showing the inside or outside your offices with your law firm / chambers’ branding, then we’d be happy to provide that as an additional service.
- And if video marketing is like a foreign language and you don’t know where to start, get in touch and I can help you along the way as part of our services.
If it sounds like these videos could be beneficial for you and your marketing, then please do get in touch with me – I’m or do book a time in my diary below to speak with me.
Would you like to find out more and our latest pricing?
Please do book a time in my online diary below and I’ll give you a call.
Transcription of video:
I’m David from Navy Studios. I’m a former solicitor that produces marketing videos to help lawyers convey their expertise and skills to their clients. I’m often filming on location so this video you’re watching is a bit different to my other videos as it’s being filmed on an iPhone so stay tuned to find out why…
In these uncertain times with working from home on the rise, lawyers are spending less and less time in the office and not meeting their clients in person as frequently as they would like.
We all know that keeping in touch with clients is paramount in adding value to legal services and the usual methods of emailing with legal updates and long blog posts are getting lost in all the content being generated.
So that’s where we can help you to produce informational videos like the one you’re watching now, where you film yourself and we edit the videos for you.
The use of video marketing is rising dramatically – with year on year growth and LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to re-share a video post.
The videos we produce are all about helping you create unique content that your clients will engage with, whether that be updates about your firm, to short guides setting out best practices for your clients such as a video on the “Top 5 things you need to know when planning a redundancy exercise”… or a video on the “Latest Legal Updates which will affect your clients’ businesses”. All these video topics offer real added value to your clients who get to see that you are at the forefront of legal thinking.
Just like I did with this video, you record a video on your phone or iPad… you then send it to us… and we edit the videos for you to make them look and sound as good as they can… by improving the colours and sound… and turn up the volume now to hear the difference… this is the before footage in filmed this echo-y office space… and now we’re back showing you our editing magic where we include licensed background music… place subtitles on screen… and add graphics all consistent with your brand.
Imagine filming yourself in the office or at home where you talk about a legal topic of your choosing – you send us the video footage we take care of the rest!
So if you like the look of this video and would like some help creating something similar then get in touch with me – I’m or 020 3289 4793
You film it – we edit it!